SCX Silica Gel

SCX Silica is used for the separation of organic compounds in Normal Phase mode using solvent systems without any acid buffer to remove the target compounds. Quick and easy evaporation in a scalable and adaptable preparative liquid chromatography format.

SCX Silica – Strong Cation Exchanger
The sulfonic acid group (-SO3H) has a pKa of -1 to -3 is always completely dissociated in the presence of water and therefore always negatively charged under the conditions of use.

Bonded Phases (Functionalized)/SCX Silica Gel

Conditions: Columns: 4.6 x 150mm, 1ml/min, UV254nm, 0.32 aufs

  1. Premium Pure Spherical Silica Gel, 100Å, 5μm
  2. Premium Pure Spherical Silica Gel, 100Å, 5μm
  3. SCX Premium Pure Spherical Silica Gel, 100Å, 5μm

Samples:  Benzene (t0) and the following Carboxylic Acids:

  1. o-Toluic acid 
  2. Benzoic acid 
  3. trans-Cinnamic acid 
  4. Salicylic acid
  5. Phthalic acid